About me

I’m currently working remotely for Xco-Analytics in Shanghai, as a full-time Lead Data Engineer, since February 2021.

As a problem-solving enthusiast, I have always been eager to meet new technical challenges, where I can learn some new things and feed my curiosity.
I got myself into Data Science early in my education and had the chance to get my hands on all kinds of data, from sequential to spatial, images, audio signals, BI data etc.
As an R&D Engineer, I love to put forward my technical and analytical skills, tackle original problems and learn every day.

You can check about my different projects on my projects page

Previous work experiences

  • Machine Learning R&D Engineer - Shanghai:
    I completed my end-of-study internship in Shanghai as a Machine Learning R&D Engineer for a sino-french startup called Mediasia-Labs. I have been working on Deep-Learning and Advanced Algorithms applied to Pronunciation Evaluation for language learners.

  • Research Assistant - Daejon (South-Korea):
    I have been a volunteer in a Research Laboratory dedicated to Artificial Intelligence AIM where I worked on video classification for the CVPR2017 workshop, especially working on Attention Gated LSTM Cell, in TensorFlow.

  • Software Engineer Intern - Paris:
    I have been an intern at Aerow in Paris, as a Software Engineer and integrator. I have been developing a simple OCR for bankcheques CMC7 code, using simple Machine-Learning techniques.


  • Graduate Exchange Program - Daejeon (South-Korea):
    I studied abroad for a year in the top university of KAIST in South-Korea, where I specialized in Machine-Learning. I completed my initial background with skills in Deep-Learning, NLP, Computer Vision as well as Search-Based Algorithms.

  • Master Of Engineering - Rouen (France):
    I graduated from INSA Rouen Normandy with a Master of Engineering in April 2018, majoring in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.

Programming Skills

Proficient with: Python, C/C++, Tensorflow, Apache Spark, Torch7, Scikit-Learn, Matlab, MongoDB, SQL, bash, Git.

Familiar with: Java


Language Level
English Fluent
French Fluent
Mandarin Intermediate (preparing HSK4)
Spanish Proficient


Find attached the PDF version of my CVs:
English version: CV
French version: CV

Update: 2020/01/13

Contact me

For any inquires, you can reach me via email: rafael.cartenet@gmail.com