MCQBot, or Multiple Choice Questions Bot is a simple NLP project I realized in June 2018. The idea is pretty simple, given a question and a set of answers, make a bot that can gives a confidence score to each choice in order to reply to the question. Number of choices is not fixed.
Current method is pretty simple, n-grams occurrences-based, from google search content, but working quite efficiently. You can find the code on my github here
I have been running my bot over a small dataset of french questions and accuracy is about 85%.
In future work, accuracy could be increased using semantic analysis or smarter search of content using different source (such as Wikipedia for example), and/or different method (key words search rather than complete question search).
Finally, such “close field” question answering method could be expanded to “open field” questions by generating a range of potential choices.
For example, for questions such as Which european country ... ?
, we could generate the list of choices (all european countries), and score each of them using this method.